GMFC is available in four versions, EXPERT, PRO, LIGHT and PE (see functionalities for a detailed comparison):
- GMFC LIGHT, a version at a very low cost that provides functions to cut wings.
- GMFC PRO, everything you need for cuttings wings, fuselages or any shape.
- GMFC EXPERT, the high end version that ease the handling of complex DXF files.
- GMFC PE, the historic GMFC version that requires Windows 98 (Discontinued).
GMFC works with two types of interfaces: (i) parallel port interfaces with a timer (see interfaces) for 32 bit versions of Windows, (ii) the GGC adapter that connects most of the parallel motor interface through USB and works for all Windows versions. For parallel port interfaces, GMFC requires a specific driver that is available for Windows 2000/XP/Seven/8/10 (32 bits) for the LIGHT, PRO and EXPERT versions.
GMFC is available under a shareware license. After installation and the first run, all GMFC functionalities are available for a duration of 30 days. After that time, cutting functions will be disabled. Nevertheless, the design part of GMFC is still fully enabled.
To permanently activate cutting functions, you must buy a license key which is specific to a given machine. Only the cutting machine needs a license key. Thus, you may share a single GMFC license among a club or a group of friends.
If you are purchasing a used computer with a licensed version of GMFC, you should have the seller contact me to transfer ownership. Otherwise, your license will not be valid.
Greetings am going to be using Hobby CNC pro board for my setup for foam cutting. Now the z axis is replaced by the y axis do I have to change that in the pro board or will the GMFC software do the switching, or do I manually connect my Z motors to the Y axis
Greetings all
Forget about it I figured it out
You can do that using the GGC utility. Just change the pinout.
Bonjour , je viens de faire réparer mon ordinateur , le disque dur a été changé , je n’est plus GMFC que je vous est acheté il y a environ deux ans , comment dois-je faire pour le remettre dans mon ordinateur , merci
Bonjour Jean-Claude, il suffit de reinstaller GMFC et de m’envoyer le code affiché a l’installation.
I had just purchased a used desk top from a thrift shop because new desktops do not have a printer port outlet for my hobby CNC control board, and downloaded the trial version of GMFC, on trying to run a check on first trial, it tells me that “evaluation time is over that cutting function is disabled”, I thought the evaluation time is 30 days, I just installed it, then I looked at the date of the just purchased desktop it says 2007 which I then corrected but the GMFC still says the same thing that “evaluation time over cutting function disabled”.
Any suggestions or we don’t have the 30 days evaluation period anymore.
Hi Franklin,
I am sorry, but the evaluation period is over for that machine. This is valid only for the cutting functions. The design part is still valid.
Kind regards,
Thanks Gilles but I thought that the trial period is 30 days
and I had just loaded it in that machine,
Another question when you want to program the GGC for hobby CNC pro for the motor interface do you set it to MM2001 or MM2001-GGC
Thanks in Advance
About the trial, it could be a problem with the clock on that machine.
I don’t remember the pinout for the hobby CNC PRO, sorry. Please contact me by mail.
I am using light and have a .cnc file. The contractor’s machine does not accept .cnc file format. He wants a .igs file. How do I overcome this file format problem? Thank you.
Ken Javor
Dear Ken,
I am sorry but I have no idea of what is an .igs file.
Ken, not making much sense but this sounds unusual. Appears you have designed something in GMFC but you want someone else to actually cut it? Usually you would cut it yourself but… If this is correct the easy way out is to find someone who uses GMFC and cuts foam. IF you are in the USA there are many plus you could ask on a user group such as Or , you will have to draw up your project in a program that can export IGS files.
Ken What program are using m open the file and save as and click the arrow drop down and see if it has save as “iges” solid works bob cad can do that. Its a long time I took catia. catia may also have the capability to save it as an “iges” file
Just linked the lcd display to the GGC card, and all was not working properly. Thanks to Gilles’ rapid and constant assistance, we were able to diagnose the problem. ie. I had purchased a 16 x 2 line back lit display, and he patiently guided me to modifying the circuitry to get it to work.
Many thanks Gilles
Great new page Giles!
But you forgot the download section…..
oops… I though I did… will correct that soon.
I’m in the process of wiring the GGC USB adaptor and everything seems to be fine so far.
I’ve connected the LCD and switched on my laptop, the LCD is blue background and white characters.
There is no blue backlight and the white characters although working are faint, I assume this is because the backlight is not illuminated ?
The spec sheet for the LCD shows pin 15 Backlight Anode and pin 16 Backlight Cathode.
These two pin are not connected on your wiring diagram. I’m not really into electronics and don’t want to do anything that would damage the adapter.
So my questions are ( and they may be obvious to you) but if I connect the Backlight Cathode to ground, where is the best place/pin to pick up the positive voltage for the Backlight Anode?
Do you think this will solve the problem?
I’ve built the GGC in a metal project box does that need to be connected to ground ?
Indeed, this is because the backlight is not illuminated. You can connect pin 16 lcd to vss and pin 15 lcd via 220/300 ohm resistor to vdd.
I would not connect the box to the ground.